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What is Inflation?

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Inflation refers to the rise in prices, and it is caused by a variety of factors, including increased demand, decreased supply, and increased money supply.
  • Inflation has negative effects on the economy, such as a decrease in purchasing power, a decrease in savings, an increase in unemployment, and economic instability.
  • To prevent inflation, governments must implement policies such as managing the money supply, stabilizing prices, and enacting tax policies. Businesses must work to strengthen their competitiveness, refrain from raising prices, and communicate with consumers. Consumers should engage in rational consumption, save, and cooperate with government and business policies.

Inflation refers to the rise in prices, and prices generally refer to the prices of goods or services. When inflation occurs, the prices of goods and services rise, and the value of money falls... We will examine the causes, effects, and prevention methods.

Causes of Inflation

There are various causes of inflation, but the most common causes are as follows.

1. Increase in Demand

Prices rise when demand exceeds supply. When the economy is booming, people spend more, leading to higher prices.

2. Decrease in Supply

Prices rise when supply cannot keep up with demand. When natural disasters or wars reduce production, prices rise.

3. Increase in Money Supply

An increase in the money supply leads to a decrease in the value of money, resulting in higher prices.

Effects of Inflation

Inflation has various effects on the economy, including the following.

1. Decreased Purchasing Power

When inflation occurs, the value of money falls, reducing the amount you can buy with the same amount of money.

If inflation is 10%, even with 1 million won, you can buy 10% less than before.

2. Reduced Savings

When inflation occurs, the value of money falls, reducing the value of savings.

If you save 1 million won, and inflation is 10%, even if you have 1.1 million won after a year,

you can buy 10% less than before.

3. Increased Unemployment

When inflation occurs, corporate profits may decrease, leading to increased unemployment.

Companies may experience reduced profits due to rising raw material prices and labor costs, and reduced profits may lead to layoffs.

4. Economic Instability

When inflation occurs, the economy can become unstable as people reduce spending out of fear of the future, which can lead to decreased corporate profits, and decreased corporate profits can lead to increased unemployment.

Ways to Prevent Inflation

The following are ways to prevent inflation.

1. Role of the Government

Money Supply Management

The government must strive not to increase the money supply and manage it appropriately to prevent inflation.

Price Stabilization Policy

The government must implement price stabilization policies to stabilize raw material prices and stabilize labor costs.

Tax Policy

The government can reduce money circulation by increasing taxes through tax policy.

2. Role of Companies

Strengthening Competitiveness

Companies must strengthen their competitiveness by reducing costs and improving productivity.

Price Increase Restraint

Companies must make efforts to minimize price increases, even if raw material prices rise.

Communication with Consumers

Companies must communicate with consumers to increase understanding of inflation and alleviate consumer anxiety.

3. Role of Consumers

Rational Consumption

Consumers should make rational consumption choices, buying only what they need and avoiding overconsumption.


Consumers can prepare for price increases and reduce the impact of inflation by saving.

Cooperation with Companies and Government Policies

Consumers should cooperate with companies' requests for price increases and cooperate with the government's price stabilization policies to prevent inflation.

Inflation has a negative impact on the economy, and both the government, businesses, and consumers must work together to prevent it.

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