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How to reduce carcinogens when grilling meat

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • To reduce concerns about carcinogens that can occur when consuming meat, you can use methods such as marinating in beer, wine, or using herbal seasonings.
  • It is also important to maintain a grilling temperature of 150-160℃ and keep the grill clean, and eating cruciferous vegetables can help inhibit carcinogens.
  • These cooking methods and dietary adjustments can help reduce carcinogens, maximize the flavor of the meat, and maintain a healthy diet.

Eating meat is a pleasure for many people, but it also comes with concerns about carcinogens. These concerns are a critical issue directly related to our healthy eating habits and should be taken seriously. However, by following a few precautions and cooking methods, you can significantly reduce these health risks associated with meat consumption.

The Importance of Marinating Meat

According to a study published in the journal 'Agriculture and Food Chemistry', marinating meat in beer, wine, or herb marinade for about two hours before grilling significantly reduces the amount of heterocyclic amines (HCAs), a carcinogen. Furthermore, several studies in the United States have confirmed that marinating meat in this way before grilling can prevent the formation of HCAs by 90-100%. This is a very effective way to enhance the flavor of meat while reducing health concerns.

Health Benefits of Using Herbs

Herbs are rich in various anti-cancer components such as thymol and phenol. These components greatly help suppress the formation of nitroso compounds, a carcinogen, when meat enters our body. To make herb marinade, crush various herbs to extract their juice, then mix it with lemon juice, wine, or vinegar. If making a marinade is too cumbersome, applying herbs directly to the meat can also provide a certain degree of prevention.

Cooking at the Right Temperature

Heterocyclic amines are mainly produced at high temperatures. At temperatures exceeding 200°C, the production increases by nearly three times. Therefore, it is advisable to cook over medium heat at 150-160°C. Cooking over a low heat for a short time can prevent the meat from cooking properly, but preheating with a broiler or microwave for 12 minutes is recommended. This is because the microwaves in the microwave decompose compounds that create HCAs.

Importance of Griddle Management

If the fat from the meat stuck to the griddle burns and becomes black, that part may contain a large amount of carcinogens. Therefore, it is important to wipe the griddle clean with a paper towel every time you grill. This process removes any remaining residue to prevent carcinogens from being mixed in when grilling meat next time. After cleaning, it is also recommended to rinse with hot water to sterilize bacteria such as E. coli. This is an essential step in maintaining food safety.

Dietary Composition with Cruciferous Vegetables

Including cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and turnip in your diet when eating meat is a very healthy habit. These vegetables are rich in a compound called sulforaphane, which plays a role in eliminating carcinogens and other substances that damage genes in the body. Grilling these vegetables with meat or wrapping them in lettuce is a very effective way to fight carcinogens. This effect can be further enhanced when consumed with meat fat.

Comprehensive Health Strategy

Through the cooking methods and dietary adjustments mentioned above, you can enjoy meat healthily while protecting your body from carcinogens. Each step, from marinating meat to utilizing the anti-cancer properties of herbs, cooking at the right temperature, maintaining a clean griddle, and consuming cruciferous vegetables, is important. These cooking methods not only reduce carcinogens but also lead to a healthy diet that maximizes the flavor of meat and allows you to consume various nutrients.


These cooking methods and dietary adjustments greatly contribute to protecting the health of individuals, as well as their families and loved ones. Try incorporating these methods into your daily life so you can enjoy delicious meat dishes while managing your health. Remember that healthy eating habits bring greater benefits in the long run.

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