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7 Lifestyle Habits That Can Cause Cancer

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Consuming hot beverages, pickled vegetables, and red meat can increase the risk of developing esophageal cancer, esophageal cancer, and colorectal cancer, respectively. Lack of physical activity can lead to stomach cancer, enclosed indoor air to lung cancer, working late to ovarian and prostate cancer, and sitting for long periods to an increased risk of cancer.
  • To prevent cancer, hot beverages should be cooled down before drinking, intake of salty pickled vegetables should be reduced, and red meat consumption should be limited.
  • It is also crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise to manage weight and frequent ventilation of indoor air.

Cancer is a very deadly and frightening disease. It is said that more than one in three people over the age of 80 get cancer. Cancer affects people of all ages and genders, and the number of cancer patients is steadily increasing. But the fact is that cancer is not a blind fear, but can be prevented through healthy habits and prevention! This article will take a closer look at everyday habits that can trigger cancer.

1. Hot drinks and esophageal cancer prevention

Drinking hot drinks frequently can increase the risk of developing esophageal cancer. Unlike the stomach, the esophagus does not have a protective lining, so hot drinks can directly damage the esophagus.

The World Health Organization has classified hot drinks above 65 degrees Celsius as carcinogens, and studies have shown that people who frequently drink hot tea above 65 degrees Celsius may have an 8-fold increased risk of developing esophageal cancer. Therefore, it is best to cool hot drinks before drinking them.

2. Pickled vegetables and esophageal cancer prevention

Excessive consumption of high-salt foods, especially vegetables pickled in salt, can double the risk of developing esophageal cancer. Excess salt, such as salt, can irritate the esophagus and cause inflammation. Therefore, it is desirable to reduce the consumption of pickled vegetables and other foods preserved with salt, and to include lightly cooked foods in your meals.

3. Red meat and processed meat, colorectal cancer prevention

Red meat and processed meat are foods that can increase the risk of developing colorectal cancer. These meats can produce carcinogens during the digestive process, and studies have shown that consuming more than 25g of meat per day can increase the risk of colorectal cancer by 49%.

To prevent cancer, it is best to limit meat intake and consume vegetables rich in dietary fiber with meat. Also, wrapping meat in vegetables such as perilla leaves can reduce the effects of carcinogens.

4. Physical activity and stomach cancer prevention

Stomach cancer may be related to lack of physical activity. According to a study by the National Cancer Center, not engaging in at least 75 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity per week has been identified as one of the major factors that increase the risk of stomach cancer in both men and women.

Physical activity helps manage weight and keep metabolism active, which helps reduce the risk of stomach cancer. It is good to create and maintain a regular exercise routine, and to include a variety of activities such as walking, swimming, and cycling.

5. Enclosed indoor air and lung cancer prevention

Exposure to enclosed indoor air containing harmful substances such as fine dust and radon can increase the risk of developing lung cancer. Fine dust contains heavy metal components such as cadmium and lead, which can penetrate into the alveoli and cause inflammation. Radon also comes from building materials and can cause lung cancer.

Therefore, it is important to frequently ventilate indoor spaces to keep the air clean. When ventilating, open as many doors and windows as possible to allow air circulation. It is also a good idea to maintain ventilation during meal preparation or cooking, and to check radon levels through radon testing.

6. Overtime work and ovarian and prostate cancer prevention

Overtime work can lead to sleep deprivation, which can increase the risk of developing ovarian and prostate cancer. Women who work overtime are more likely to develop ovarian cancer, and men who work overtime are more likely to develop prostate cancer.

Sleep deprivation due to overtime work can affect hormone secretion and circadian rhythms. You can reduce these risks by getting enough sleep and maintaining a regular sleep pattern.

7. Sitting for long periods of time and cancer risk

The longer you sit, the greater the risk of developing cancer. Long periods of sitting can lead to reduced physical activity, decreased metabolism, and slowed cell and hormone activity. If these changes persist, inflammation can occur in the body, increasing the risk of cancer.

A study by the Victorian Cancer Council also found that women who sit for long periods of time are twice as likely to develop breast cancer as those who do not. Therefore, when sitting for long periods, it is necessary to get up and move regularly. If it is difficult to avoid a sedentary lifestyle at work, it is a good idea to use lunch breaks or breaks to stretch lightly or go for a walk. These simple activities can help reduce the risk of developing cancer.


Improve these lifestyle habits and maintain a healthy lifestyle to prevent cancer. You can minimize the risk of developing cancer through these habits. Cancer prevention plays an important role in protecting our lives.

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