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세상 모든 정보

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS): Causes and Prevention

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Computer vision syndrome (CVS) refers to eye strain, dry eyes, headaches, and other symptoms that occur due to prolonged use of digital devices. Increased screen time and factors that cause eye strain are the main causes.
  • To prevent CVS and alleviate symptoms, it is necessary to reduce screen time, maintain a distance from the screen, and follow the 20-20-20 rule.
  • In addition, it is important to develop blinking habits, consistently perform eye exercises, and reduce eye strain by using appropriate lighting and display settings.

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is a collection of eye and vision problems that occur while using digital devices, especially when staring at a screen for long periods. This syndrome includes symptoms such as eye strain, dry eyes, headaches, blurred vision, double vision, eye swelling, and dry eyes, and manifests as discomfort in the eyes due to prolonged screen use over time.

Main causes of CVS

(1) Prolonged screen use

Using digital devices such as computers, smartphones, and tablets for long periods of time requires constant eye work and can cause eye strain.

(2) Screen light and glare

Screens emit strong light and glare, which can irritate the eyes and cause fatigue.

(3) Fixed long-distance vision

While looking at the screen, your eyes are fixed at a specific distance, which puts strain on the eyes and can worsen vision.

(4) Habit of not blinking

You tend to blink less or not at all while looking at the screen, which can lead to dry eyes.

(5) Screen addiction

Addictive use of digital devices can increase screen time and increase the risk of CVS.

(6) Impact on sleep patterns

Blue light from screens can interfere with the production of melatonin, a sleep hormone, and cause sleep problems.

Some ways to prevent CVS and alleviate symptoms

(1) Maintain an appropriate distance from the screen

Maintain an appropriate distance between your eyes and the computer screen or monitor (about 65cm) and adjust the screen slightly above eye level.

(2) Adhere to the 20-20-20 rule

Make it a habit to look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes. This will reduce eye strain.

(3) Blinking

Make it a habit to blink consciously and frequently, providing adequate rest for your eyes.

(4) Eye stabilization and habit training

Strengthen your eye muscles and reduce eye strain through regular eye stabilization and habit training.

(5) Proper lighting and display settings

Adjust the screen brightness and contrast and use a high-resolution display to reduce eye strain.

(6) Regular eye examinations

Get regular eye and vision exams to maintain eye health.

(7) Exercise and stretching

Regular exercise and stretching that gets your body moving can relieve physical and eye fatigue.

(8) Sleep pattern management

Reduce screen time before bedtime and limit blue light emissions to manage your sleep patterns.

Computer Vision Syndrome is a common problem in modern life, and it's important to protect your eye health by preventing it and developing good habits.

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