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Gen Z Meaning, Characteristics and Culture of Generation Z

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Born between the mid-1990s and 2010, Generation Z is familiar with smartphones and the internet environment, and has individualistic values, a sense of national identity based on contractual relationships, and a mixed political and social consciousness of progressivism and conservatism.
  • Generation Z prefers videos and short-form content, and is actively involved in one-person media creator activities and actively shares information and communicates through SNS.
  • Generation Z has the characteristics of a digital generation, and understanding their values and lifestyles is important for predicting future social changes.

Generation Z is the first generation to grow up in a digital environment accustomed to smartphones and internet culture. They are also called Generation Z / Gen-Z / Zoomer. Let's learn about the characteristics and culture unique to Generation Z, including their individualistic values, views on the nation, political and social consciousness, and media consumption patterns.

※ Zoomer is a new word that came about because they went to school via Zoom due to the Corona pandemic.

Generation Z who grew up with smartphones

Generation Z refers to those born between the mid-1990s and the 2010s. They grew up in an environment where smartphones and high-speed internet were commonplace, making them more adept at digital technology than anyone else. Smartphones and social media have become their window to the world, a means of communication, a part of their daily lives, and even their very way of life.

Generation Z is called the 'Digital Native' generation because they were exposed to digital devices and the internet environment from birth. They naturally handle computers, smartphones, internet devices, and applications, and spend more time in the online world than offline. Social media platforms such as YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram have become their daily routine.

Generation Z's individualistic values

1. Respect for individuality and pursuit of freedom

Generation Z holds values that respect the diversity and individuality of each person. They value expressing their individuality freely rather than following uniform norms. They also seek to make choices that align with their values in terms of career, hobbies, and lifestyle.

2. Emphasis on work-life balance

Generation Z places great importance on work-life balance. Rather than sacrificing their personal lives for money and fame, they prioritize current happiness and satisfaction. Compared to previous generations, they are not as conscious of traditional values such as marriage, childbirth, and homeownership. They embrace the 'YOLO' lifestyle, which focuses on enjoying the present.

3. Increase in FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) generation

On the other hand, some members of Generation Z are known as the FIRE generation, aiming to become rich quickly and retire early. They dedicate themselves to extreme savings and investment from their youth in order to accumulate enough assets to retire in their 30s or 40s. This is another side of Generation Z that chooses future freedom over current happiness.

Perceiving the nation as a contractual relationship

1. Nation as an equal contractual party

Generation Z views the nation as an entity in a contractual relationship with individuals. They believe the nation has a responsibility to protect individual freedom and property rights, while individuals also have a responsibility to fulfill their basic obligations to maintain the nation.

2. Demand for fair imposition of obligations

However, Generation Z tends to oppose the nation imposing unilateral and unreasonable obligations on individuals. They question the nation's role by objecting to mandatory military service, regulatory bills, and any limitations on individual freedom without proper compensation, demanding a rational explanation and compromise from the government.

Generation Z's political and social consciousness

1. Mixture of progressive and conservative views

Generation Z's political leanings vary slightly depending on gender. While men tend to be more inclined toward economic liberalism, meritocracy, and conservatism, women are more positive about progressive and feminist agendas. However, they generally hold liberal values and have a high percentage of the undecided.

2. Interest in feminism and gender equality

Generation Z women, unlike women of previous generations, are very interested in gender equality and feminist movements. While they oppose extreme movements such as radical feminism, they support an atmosphere of eliminating everyday gender discrimination and promoting women's rights.

3. Increasing gender conflict and apathy

On the other hand, some Generation Z men oppose excessive feminist movements and exhibit misogynistic tendencies. As gender conflict spreads due to opposing extremes, apathy is also increasing. This situation necessitates a public discourse on generational integration and gender equality within Generation Z.

Generation Z's media consumption patterns

1. Preference for videos and short-form content

Generation Z prefers obtaining information through videos or short-form content over long articles. Short video content such as YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram Reels is gaining popularity among them, and they also consume content through audiobooks rather than traditional reading.

2. Increase in one-person media creators

Generation Z enjoys creating content about their interests or hobbies and sharing it with the general public online. They actively engage in various creator activities on one-person media platforms such as YouTube and Twitch.

Generation Z is both content producers and ardent fans. They subscribe to their favorite creator channels, participate in live streams, and actively communicate. This one-person media culture is a new trend driven by Generation Z.

3. Information sharing and communication using social networks

Social media is both their daily life and a means of communication for Generation Z. They use social networks to share information, express their opinions, and interact actively with their peers. They share trends, issues, memes (internet culture), etc. in real-time, thereby shaping their influence.

4. Proactive information absorption capacity

Generation Z excels in information absorption and processing. In a digital environment overflowing with information, they select and consume content that matches their preferences and filters. They not only passively receive information but also reinterpret and recreate it in their own way.

Knowing Generation Z is knowing the future

Generation Z is the first generation to grow up in the digital world. They hold different values and culture from previous generations, which will have a significant impact on society as a whole in the future. Understanding Generation Z's characteristics, such as their individualistic tendencies, their deconstructive view of the nation and authority, their unique political and social consciousness, and their new media consumption patterns, is the key to looking ahead to the future.

It is important to capture and embrace the new wave of change led by Generation Z. Failing to understand their values and lifestyles will lead to being left behind in the flow of time. Knowing Generation Z, the future generation, is the key to proactively preparing for the changes ahead.

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